VELO (probably around 1970)


This machine was forgotten and left in the very back of the warehouse covered with dust. We made this proto machine before we started Dome when we were still trying so hard to raise fund to build a racing car. A tourist enterprise was going to buy considerable units.
A friend of mine I met though racing begged me and said he wanted to produce the machine so I gave him the half of the money and let him. I didn't hear from him at all since then so I went to see his factory to investigate. To my surprise, FJ was being built in the factory and the money I gave him was used for this. After all, they could not deliver the products by the date promised and the products were be put aside indefinitely.
The cheater has become a successful racing car designer later and built a F1 machine(he is not Takuya Yura, I have to say for his honor's sake) Since it was the time when a life as a human was not secured for those who built a racing car, I didn't surprise me at all that there were some people who were capable of doing anything in order to achieve their goal or they were just not under the circumstances they could choose alternative.
We went skiing a lot claiming to be testing, this VELO was a machine with so many merits in skiing slopes than a Ferrari in town.